Monday, July 6, 2015

The Most Terrifying Thing...

One of the things that's been on my mind for the past few years has been something that is utterly terrifying; hell. It's not just the suffering or pain or separation from GOD; the most terrifying part is how long forever is.

When your life is over, and if you are unsaved, you are sent to hell with a one way ticket. And that is not meant to be cheesy. When you get to hell, you get no reprieve, no second chance. You're there. GOD's not going to come by and say, "Hey, it's been a few thousand years, would you like a second chance to change your mind? Maybe you want to love me now?" No, it doesn't work that way.

You go there and you are there for the rest of eternity. You can't go back and undo it. You don't just slowly fade from existence. You can't die to be released from it. You are there in eternal suffering, separated from GOD and all that is good with no way out.

Hell is not a holding place for souls that need an attitude readjustment. It's not there as a holding tank until a set time when GOD relents and changes HIS justice. HE doesn't relent and HIS justice never changes. HE sent HIS SON to die for our sins to satisfy HIS justice, but if you don't accept that gift, HE will pour out HIS righteous wrath on you for your sins, your lawlessness, and your rebellion. And that wrath is poured out in hell for all eternity.

See, the terror of hell is that you don't get to try it out and decide, 'oh hey, this is really bad, I wanna have GOD now." No. It's done. It's final. No second chance, no undo, no way back to life. You are eternally stuck with your decision, in hell, separated from GOD and all that is good, in a place of eternal torment with no end date, ever. THAT is the most terrifying thing ever.