Tuesday, July 21, 2015

McGuffy Primer Lessons 6-10 and a HAPPY BIRFDAY!

YAY! Day 2...a day late. Oh well. It's my birfday and I'll be late if I wanna. Actually, it really is my birfday. And I am ** years old. Yes, issa verry big secret. If you wish to make my day and give me a fantastic gift, please donate a few dollars to INCOR. They help fund overseas pastors, missionaries, Bible schools, orphanages, and refugee camps in the 10/40 window. Fantastic organization, and as far as I know, everyone who works there is a volunteer, so all the funds go directly into missions. My grandfather helped start up the organization, and it has just been a fantastic ministry.

There, that's my plug, for both my birthday, and my birthday wish. YAY! ON to the McGuffy Reader.

I decided to actually do the printed letters from lessons 1-4, so here they are, in all their slightly crooked glory...

Doing the letter drills really brought back memories of the first time I did it in school. I have to say, I think my first attempts here were significantly better than my average writing when I was little. Here's some of my copywork from when I was 7. 

This was copied from Matthew 4:1-4, in case you were wondering.

Anyhow, my old work is boring. Here are the McGuffy lessons 6-10.

Here, lesson six introduces the letters "o," "b," and "g."

Lesson seven, here, introduces "e."

And here, lesson eight introduces the letter "i."

And lesson nine introduces no new letters but works on "ch," and other letter combinations. 

It seems that every fifth lesson is a review, which makes sense, since school was and is only five days a week. Here is where they give the cursive for the letters we've worked on the past five lessons.

So, how did I do on lessons 6-10? Eh...I think I might have to really practice on the letters "e" and "g."

Yeah...I'm gonna need to practice my writing a lot more. And I thought I'd be taking the summer off. Oh well. AT least it's my birthday! YAY for Birfday!