So, I haven't given up on the McGuffy Primer, but I decided not to make it the subject of my posts every day. I'll just post them all at the end of the week and call it done.
Today, I did some work on birthday cards. YAY!
So the first card I made was for a friend of mine who always dresses very nicely. Her clothes are very modest, beautiful and feminine, with ribbons and lace on them. I don't think I've ever seen her in pants, so it's always pretty dresses, with flower garlands in her hair. In short, she dresses in a very old fashioned, romantic style (let me emphasize, NOT HIPPY or HIPSTER. Let's just get that out of the way). Her birthday is pretty soon, so I decided to make her a personalized birthday
Today, I did some work on birthday cards. YAY!
So the first card I made was for a friend of mine who always dresses very nicely. Her clothes are very modest, beautiful and feminine, with ribbons and lace on them. I don't think I've ever seen her in pants, so it's always pretty dresses, with flower garlands in her hair. In short, she dresses in a very old fashioned, romantic style (let me emphasize, NOT HIPPY or HIPSTER. Let's just get that out of the way). Her birthday is pretty soon, so I decided to make her a personalized birthday
It looks better in person, because then you can see all the detailing in the lace on the upper and lower right corners. Here's the inside:
Both the outside and inside were done with watercolour pencils that I went over with a wet paintbrush to make look more artsy. The butterfly and lace designs came from different photos I found online, some of which I combined to get a better picture. I really hope she likes it. The lettering is done with a 0.50 size black art pen, which really doesn't matter because it's just lettering.
This second one I did in markers, and is for a younger friend who seems to enjoy butterflies a bit. I have to watch that friend, because she is a tackle monster. Hoy-VEY! She's nearly knocked me off my feet a few times with her hug tackles. A very exuberant youngster, who's way stronger than she looks. She comes up behind me or on my deaf side, so I don't have time to brace myself, so I'm learning to very quickly brace or catch myself when she tackles me. Any how, here's the card:
Hooray for butterflies! I can never get their wings symmetrical. It's just not gonna happen, so I don't really bother trying it.
Hopefully, I can get better at using watercolour pencils, because I'm not quite that good right now. It's easier than usual water colors, but still pretty difficult.
Anyhow, that's all for now!