Sunday, November 18, 2018

Bello, sorry for the long break

Hallo, folks! It's been a while. A lot has been going on. I'm dealing with some health issues right now that are leaving me with a fair amount of pain that comes and goes. I don't know what's going on, but GOD is faithful. I don't have much to say right now, but I covet your prayers.

If you remember to pray for me, please don't worry so much about the pain; I trust GOD's plan, and I know that HE is using this to sanctify me. Healing or comfort will come in HIS timing. More, please pray that I would be turning to HIM more and more each day, and would be daily changed into HIS image. I want to deal with this pain, whether it is short term or long term, mild or agonizing, in such a way as to honor my SAVIOR with it. It is a precious opportunity to be reminded of my daily need for HIM, and a powerful tool to sanctify me. Please pray that I submit to HIS will to be being sanctified into HIS image.

Here is a precious hymn I want to share with you all. This was written by a man in far worse circumstances than I, but he expressed a beautiful faith in GOD in 'impossible' circumstances. I hope that one day, I might have such a profound faith as well.

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