Saturday, July 23, 2016

Birthday Surprise!

Oh my, can I just say that I LOVE the ladies in my small group? They are so good to me!

This past Thursday was my birthday, but my Bible study was Wednesday. I was feeling a bit down on Wednesday, because only one person had remembered it on Sunday (and her card was absolutely LOVELY by the way!) Because of that, I thought no one would else outside of my immediate family would remember it at all. So I was feeling rather forgotten.

Anyhow, that evening, I left for my small group, and to my surprise, one of the girls met me outside the church. That seemed a bit odd. She actually came out to meet me. And then another. And then the third. And then the fourth, and they were all outside talking to me, and talking about how much they enjoyed being outside. Let me tell you, they don't usually do this. They usually go inside and sit down and wait in the room, discussing their week. They don't usually stand outside. It was mighty suspicious, I tell you!

Then, one of the girls asked if they could speak to one of the others in private, and one by one they all went back inside, telling me to stay OUTSIDE! Well, what with it being my birthday the next day and all, it smelled like the makings of a surprise party. But I didn't want to assume anything and be disappointed, so I tried to distract myself by looking at the small plants outside the church.

Finally, they called me in, and what do you think they had done?! They had tied 5 lovely birthday balloons to my seat (one of them was HUGE! O.o MASSIVE!), a card signed by all of them was at my place, and the best cake baker in church had made us 5 little chocolate fudge pudding cakes with ice cream and strawberries, and they had placed them in a row down the middle of the table on a lovely table cloth. It was marvelous! I felt so loved! And then they all prayed for this coming year for me, and it was just so sweet!  It was a lovely surprise!

And then one of the other ladies had also gotten me some lovely perfume and lotion, and other people wished me happy was a splendid birthday!

To all you lovelies: