Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Faith and Politics

As you might have noticed, my blog has had a very large absence of politics in it during this American election season. And with good reason, too.

But as much as I want to avoid the issue, it's still an issue; Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or a third party as president of the United States?

Now, we all know how corrupt Hillary Clinton is. It's all over the news and media, and the majority of everyone I know will not vote for her. She is currently under criminal investigation, and if her past is an indication of her future, having her as president would be a nightmare. 

So, most people say, "Well, since Trump is most popular, and we don't want Hillary to win, we have to vote Trump. We don't like him, but he's better than Hillary." And people are pushing other people to vote for him because, "Any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary."

I want to refute that.

I am a Christian. Unabashedly so, unashamedly so. And I look at Trump and I see a lawless man who is almost as bad as Hillary. He is crass, he is quick to fight, he is careless with his words,  he is a known adulterer, and he also has some cases pending against him as well. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for such a wicked man. Why? Because one day I will answer to GOD, and I will have to tell HIM why I voted for a man so lawless as Donald Trump. And I cannot answer for that. It is against my conscience.

And then I look at what I believe. I believe that GOD is in control, and that all things are in HIS hands. No matter what I do, this will play out according to HIS will.

I do not have to violate my conscience, voting for a man I know is lawless, for Hillary not to become president. I do not have to place my faith in a ungodly man to "rescue" our county. Why? Because I have a GOD Who places all rulers and authorities on their thrones, and Who can take them all out with a single word. I don't have to do wrong for GOD to still be in control. I can do what I believe is right, because I have a GOD big enough to take care of everything else. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Great Re-Wardrobing; The Insanity

Ok, I'm crazy. Today, I decided to do the shopping to update my wardrobe; ALL OF IT. I kid you not. I NEVER want to do that again.

Two thrift stores later, four plus hours of hunting, feet hurting, and more clothes than I care to remember trying on, I now have a nearly complete wardrobe. The only thing left to get is a two-piece suit for job interviews. That was the one thing I couldn't find, though I think I forgot to look for it at the second store, since they were a bit more expensive.

Now that I HAVE the clothes, though, the fun begins! I get to mix and match, put together outfits; it's gonna be fun! See, I hate shopping, but I DO enjoy putting together outfits. Yes, you may call me weird if you like. It's probably true.

Anyhow, short blog entry. I'm tired, foot sore, and in desperate need of a shower (they do NOT wash those clothes well. PHEW-WIE!) So, here's a kitty picture for your time.