Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Unsearchable Love by Kiwi

Unsearchable Love

In the garden, on the mount, knelt my holy KING,
Weeping to HIS heavenly Father, "Take this cup from me."
And yet HE bowed HIS holy head in humble obedience,
For my sins, for them to bear, was why my King was sent.

Herod had him mocked, Pilate had him scourged,
And then they led HIM to the cross, my beloved CHRIST and LORD.
The leaders of HIS people rejected HIS divinity,
And yet their sin was known by GOD from all eternity.

Unsearchable love, beyond what I can know!
That GOD on high would choose to leave HIS throne.
Placing all my sin on CHRIST at Calvary,
GOD poured out all HIS wrath, on HIM instead of me.

HE made us in HIS image, in HIS likeness we were made,
And from HIS law we turned, and to our sins were slaves.
All of us, like sheep we've turned, and all have gone astray,
Yet, upon the cross, my LORD and KING, for us has made the way.

I weep for HIS rejection, for me HE chose to die,
For such a wretched sinner, so full of hate and pride.
Why did you die for me? Why such love for me?
Taking off my robes of sin, YOU clothed me with eternity.

Yet, such joy! Such joy now fills my very soul!
Death has lost its sting, and sin has lost control,
For CHRIST is LORD of all that I am,
For my life was bought with the blood of the LAMB.

~In Christ, Kiwi